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Article Title: Making Monkeys Out Of Us
Author of reported comment: Jim Randle
Comment Date: 12:33 on Aug 11 2011
Comment: As a Baha'i I am not a fundamentalist creationist. I believe that creation is simply there it didn't have a creation point in the past, but if God wished it, it would not be there, like turning the telly off. God is above and beyond time and space, like there is no day and night on the sun. Also christians waiting for the second coming is rather like the jews waiting for the messiah to come. It has already happened they have missed the boat. Baha'is believe that the second coming is fulfilled in the person of the Prophet Bahá'u'lláh (1817-1892AD) who founded the Baha'i Faith. Put a search in on the internet about it.
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