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Article Title: Making Monkeys Out Of Us
Author of reported comment: Martin Hill
Comment Date: 13:18 on Aug 11 2011
Comment: I love your gracious muse Paul. Getting hot under the collar from any of the 'immovable' positions taken up to throw metaphorical bricks at others is a riot, but not what Jesus would do! The basis of belief from either an evolutionist or creationist stand point misses the target. God didn't send Jesus to argue people into the kingdom but love them and give himself in sacrificial love. It escapes me why those who cling to the evolutionary theory as 'proof' that God didn't create, or that there is no God, rely on a massive stretch to say the 2% DNA not shared morphed, somewhere along the line, to make human intellect and conscience. This has not been proved! On the other hand, those wishing to place Almigh y God at the center of the dance of creation (me for one) do not do so with 'proof' but simply by observing the amazing diversity and mystery at is heart and marveling at how such intricacy and awesomeness come into being. Those who do not share my faith can look on in awe too but I have a focus for praising who is the originator of such beauty.
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