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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: Doug
Comment Date: 15:52 on Aug 14 2011
Comment: Terrry: Right now I am in much pain. I am sitting in the car outside my church. I just can't get the strength to carry myself on crutches into the church. I thought I would stay in the car and listen to some worship music that would lift my spirits. Immediately I thought of you and googled your name on my cell phone. That is when I came upon this blog and was surprized to hear of your struggle. Sometimes when I am alone I get really discouraged with the hard things in life. Lately I have been attacked on every front. I have some serious health issues that preclude me from working. My home is in forclosure and believe it or not the enemy has attacked me by sending a young girl to seduce me when I am at my weakest point. Then when I think I am alone in the battle I learn of your stuggle. The Lord has also given me many spiritual gifts. I sing and write worship music. Though I am not as accomplished instrumentally as you over the years God has used my gifts to lead others to himself. I also have 6 kids who love the Lord are each serving him in some capacity. Recently I have been praying hard about planting a church. At the same time I have been overwhelmed with attacks from the enemy. It is then that I become aware that our wrestling is not against flesh and blood but against unseen principalities and powers of darkness that are set out to crush & destroy the gifts that God has given us because he knows the will be used to advance God's kingdom and he will do everything in his power to prevent that. Now lest you & I think we are alone in this attack all we need do is look back at the many christian leaders that have fallen from grace in the last decade. My wife and I watched Soul Surfer last evening about the young lady who's heart was set on going to the top of her field through her sport of surfing only to have her arm bitten off by a shark. She never gave up and neither should you.
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