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Article Title: Jesus Culture: Kim Walker speaks about the powerful worship ministry from California
Author of reported comment: Julie Rolandsen
Comment Date: 07:25 on Aug 18 2011
Comment: I am a grandmother of six, in my mid 50's, and I have been transported into a whole new dimension in my now 40 year long sojourneying with my Saviour as a result of worshipping the Lord along with Kim Walker for many seemingly endless Heavenly hours. I can't imagine Heaven itself being more glorious than this. I feel so indebted to Jesus and you people for what I consider has sparked the uttermost transformation in my life this far. Having been involved in heavy spiritual warfare for discipling of the nations and global revival with several prayer partners every day for over 27 years, (after being instructed to do so during a divine encounter with the Lord) I have been feeling very embattled. Then about 6 days ago I suddenly found myself plummetting downwards into an intensely pitch black dungeon of all-encompassing darkness in every area of my life, feeling forsaken even by God Himself. For 3 days and nights it seemed as if I was swimming in sewerage in the slimy 'belly of a whale' in incomprehensibly deep agony of soul. Mysteriously it all began shortly after I prayed aloud "Lord give me the LOVE that You took to Calvary". Crying out to God in absolute desperation I eventually found myself on the computer, immersing my whole being, hour after hour in Kim Walker's worship and testimony. Tears flooding down my face I was caught high up into a realm with my precious Jesus that I have never been in before...a journey from hell into Heaven....and I am still drenched in this blanket of unforgettable, immeasurable JOY. Words just cannot do justice to the depth of gratitude I am struggling to convey.
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