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Article Title: Jon Linn Killed
Author of reported comment: Chris Morneau
Comment Date: 07:08 on Aug 19 2011
Comment: Jon Linn was my first guitar teacher back in '74 or '75. I was about 16 at the time & I think he was only about three years older than me. I was really into the Allman Brothers & Eric Clapton, so he taught me the basics of how to play blues & rock. He helped me buy a Strat & an old Fender amp, both of which I still have. I remember that Jon was playing a Les Paul Deluxe at the time - cherry sunburst. More than just a guitar teacher, he was a good friend. For a couple of years there, I hung out with him. We even jammed a couple of times. Sadly, we drifted apart, & I saw him maybe only once again. I went a different direction with my life, & knew nothing about what direction Jon went - only that he was playing Christian rock music. I never paid any attention to it. Several years ago, I started wondering what ever happened to Jon Linn. I learned through Larry Norman (whom I managed to contact via the Internet) that Jon had died tragically, but he couldn't bring himself to tell me how. Now, I'm beginning to learn more - not just about Jon's death, but more importantly about his life & his musical achievements. One of my great regrets in life is that I didn't sustain my friendship with Jon. He was very special both as a musician & a human being. I knew that to be true way back when I was taking lessons from him. Although I'll never see him again in this life, I will always cherish the fact that I took lessons from him for about 8 months back in the mid '70s. Jon Linn, my friend from long ago, rest in peace. And may the Lord's blessings be upon your surviving family. Amen!
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