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Article Title: Amy And Gary Separation
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 20:30 on Aug 24 2011
Comment: How sad I was to hear of this news; actually an old friend had mentioned it to me during a phone conversation. It would appear though, that the counseling would not bear down hard enough to keep them together. Due to the fact that, not long afterwards Amy and Vince Gill were seen quite a bit together; and would be married in about 1 year. I remember an article that quoted Amy saying, "I can't imagine life with any other man than Gary": and 5 years after the printed article they were divorced. I really believe that GOD brought Gary & Amy together; I really enjoyed their concerts together. LIfe can be so messy at times, only GOD can clean it up, if we are willing to let Him do so. The breath of every living thing is in GOD's hands.
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