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Article Title: Further Gospel Revelations
Author of reported comment: Janis
Comment Date: 17:34 on Sep 5 2011
Comment: Yes, I say leave the man alone! No one is perfect. Not you, me or anyone! we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. God is an amazing being and no matter what the situation, he can deliver you. All you need to do is trust in him! I believe Tye does. I also believe that Tye has done a lot to help many people, Christians and non-Christians and for this, I am personally thankfull. I have watched some of his ministry and music videos. His song "everything" with the G.A is really touching and has been a true inspiration. I have watched the video, several thousand times now over the last month (yes, I said it, several thousand times!) and I will continue watching it, each time I feel I need a spiritual boost in my Christian life. In this case, every single day!. I would like to personally thank Tye for singing the song with so much personallity...Keep up the good works Tye, God has already forgiven you, therefore, stay focused on him!!!
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