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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: Penny Robinson
Comment Date: 01:10 on Sep 19 2011
Comment: Dear Terry I remember as a new believer someone invited me to worship with you when you visited Miracle Ministries in Trinidad. I was so blessed by your Worship that I got all your CD's. I got online to see what new CD's you have and am now learning of this unfortunate situation. I truly believe that you are blessed by God and the enemy must have been after you for a long time. At times like these we believers have to 'pinch ourselves' and pray for each other without ceasing; 'cause ANYONE could be next. I know how difficult this must be for your wife and family and I pray that the Lord gives her the strength she so desperately needs at this time. Please understand I am not at all trivialising the situation, but "This too shall pass!" 'FOR THE LORD IS GOOD......"
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