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Article Title: Rich Mullins: A tribute to the American singer/songwriter
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 21:02 on Sep 19 2011
Comment: I really enjoyed reading this lengthy article of these 3 ccm writers on Rich. The story of the new boots will be imprinted in my mind for days ahead. I too was amazed at how Rich, skillfully played the dulcimer; he was sooo talented! Yes, what a legacy of songs he has left for us on our travels here upon earth. "Elijah" from his debut in 1986 still is and will always be a favorite. "Calling Out YOUR Name" speaks to me everytime that I hear it; "Hold Me JESUS" gets right to me deep inside as it should. I can relate to writer Tony Cummings about getting to meet Rich one on one. I saw Rich open up for Amy Grant about the time of his debut lp release. I was by the stage and others were getting autographs from Rich after his performance. Well, in no time, Amy came on stage and I turned to go and I looked back and there was Rich on the sidelines looking back, standing there waiting to see if I wanted an autograph. I shook my head to say hey to him and headed back to my seat for Amy's concert. Well, at least I have photos of him from that concert; and also that I got to see him in concert. Oh, and I love "Here in America"; I have "Songs" & "Songs 2"; these are great collections to have. I am reminded of ccm artist Benny Hester and his hit song from 1983 "Legacy": no doubt about it, Rich has truly left a legacy. Great article above to read, thanks guys for sharing; nice collaboration.
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