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Article Title: We Believe
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 21:31 on Sep 21 2011
Comment: It is so wonderful to comment on this classic 70's album. Many thanks to Crossrhythms staff for adding this talented family to their evergrowing gospel/ccm list database. I had seen this family perform live in concert in the late 70's (I believe); not long after the release of this album. I love this album totally!! Every song is recorded top notch! "JESUS, The Resurrection", I love this song! I can still see Dale Mathews at the keyboards talking about how he came to writing "Bad News"; a tune on the country side. Sam Kirk has the deep bass vocals, they stand out on "Just Like He Promised": he is married to eldest daughter Linda Mathews. Beverly is the youngest, such a beautiful voice to hear: she also plays electric guitar on some songs. Their father, the late John Mathews has a super long muscial career since the 1950's; singing with the well known Rebels Quartet. I still recall the outstanding cover version of the late Johnny Cash's " Ragged Old Flag" that he did in concert (not on this lp). John does resitations so wonderful, even in his years with the Rebels Quartet. Another song on this album I really like is "There's a Whole Lot of People Going Home" Each family member has a distinct vocal sound; and when you hear a song, you can tell who it is . My copy of this is signed by each member; what a nice keepsake. This has got to be one of my fave lps by the family group. 6 years ago last month we lost the group's leader John; what a beautiful legacy he has left. Wow! 35 years since the release of this classic album; I have been blessed by it. GOD Bless! -Don
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