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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: Cheryl
Comment Date: 17:43 on Oct 13 2011
Comment: Easy there my dear. Be very careful how you tear God's anointed apart. Remember even King David sinned against God, yet the Lord has always referrred to him as "a man after my own heart" Paul says to be very careful, lest you yourself fall. There is not one of us that the Lord has had to restore. We must be our brother's keeper. Satan, our accuser does not need our help. He can do his work all be himself. You be the Lord's extended right hand. Don't think for one moment that you are so holy that you will never stumble or fall. He who has been forgiven much, forgives and loves much. "Christians" and too eager to tear each other down. United we stand, divided we fall. You need to pray for Mr. MacAlmon. I am sure you have been blessed by his gifting. And don't for one moment think that God will remove this gift from him. His giftings are without repentance. I suggest you fall on your face before our Holy God and repent of you silly rantings. When Job's wife told him to curse God and die, he said she was foolish. God is still God and HE is still in the business of restoration. Remember HE is the repairer of broken walls and the RESTORER of the Breach.
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