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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Josephine scheer
Comment Date: 15:55 on Oct 17 2011
Comment: Terry, The only counsel that matters or can please God or is the truth is the counsel of God, not man. The application of the cross causes our flesh to die daily. A dead man doesn't kick anymore...he has no rights. Obedience is the application of the cross and all it means. Divorce is not an option, and reconciliation is the only true counsel. It's nit about us, but Him Alone. God doesn't pull us out of the storm, but teaches us to persevere and seek Him as our vital nessecity IN The storm. The only step of obedience is to reconcile. There is nothing else. Do we want the counsel of man or of God? Obedience is dying to the flesh. Terry, don't be deceived, God means exactly what He says in His word.
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