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Article Title: Seven Billion Talented People
Author of reported comment: Scott Tyring
Comment Date: 13:06 on Nov 8 2011
Comment: Paul, how appropriate to read your thoughts this morning as I prepare for another day offing and receiving in Guatemala. We are building high efficency wood burning stoves that generous Christians purchased for families who normally cook over an open fire in the middle of the dirt floor in their homes. We are improving health conditions and quality of life with these stoves. We also are building a large community wash basin at a school so children have a place to brush their teeth and wash their hands. Proper hygiene will improve their health. With all this giving though, we feel as if we are filled. We feel like we are the ones getting much more than we came to give. We do not understand it. We are amazed and deeply moved by it and simply continue to show our gratitude to God in every encounter. Big Love, indeed!
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