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Article Title: Duo Magic
Author of reported comment: Greg Cameron
Comment Date: 19:26 on Nov 16 2011
Comment: The "Duo Magic" lp of Charles Magnuson and Kurt Kaiser is a masterpiece(already being aware of the work of Charles Magnuson I expected as much). Speaking as a secular person(I trust I am welcomed here anyhow), I found this music exhilarating, exquisite, and moving. While this music will have particular resonance for Christians, I'm sure the talents of these gentlemen will appeal to aesthetes of all persuasions. Forgive my jargon here, but just listen to them deconstruct "When the Saints Go Marching In." It's worth the price of admittance alone. I recommend this album to all those who love music. I know this is currently out of print, but please run this comment anyhow. Let people know this album exists. For the collectors out there, it's definitely worth digging for. Greg Cameron, Surrey, B.C., Canada P.S. No emails, please.
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