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Article Title: Thanksgiving - A Sacrifice Of Praise
Author of reported comment: Kimberley Owens
Comment Date: 18:34 on Nov 30 2011
Comment: I am surprise there are no other comments on this article. I simply googled a question and was taken to this article. With Thanksgiving just passing and the circumstances of our family, I have been seeking God specifically in the area of thankfulness and gratitude. I read a devotional book called Jesus Calling every morning. This past week of devotions has centered not only on thankfulness, but on what God will do as I express thankfulness and gratitude...especially during difficult times. The word "sacrifice" means more to me than simply offering up a gift to God in worship. It is definitely about obedience - a heart surrendered and yielded to what God wants. And He wants more from me than simply saying "thank you". He wants my worries associated with my circumstances and the trial our family is going through. He wants my fears of no provision and the sacrifice of thanking Him for His unlimited resources - spiritual, physical, emotional and financial. He wants the sacrifice of thankfulness of my time. Thank you Jamie for sharing your article and reminding me that God is waiting to pour out his glory on me an my family. He is simply waiting for my heart of gratitude and thanksgiving to be expressed in sacrifice of praise, prayer and worship. Blessings, Kim
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