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Article Title: A Day Off
Author of reported comment: Lynda James
Comment Date: 08:44 on Dec 9 2011
Comment: I really enjoyed this article, Paul, particularly as God has been challenging us recently about ‘Sabbath rest’. For those who grew up with a strong work ethic, and in a church environment where ‘service’ dominated your days off, it can be quite hard to get the work-life balance sorted out. Also, ‘rest’ doesn’t just mean ceasing from your labours, it’s about being refreshed in every part of your life; being recharged with spiritual, physical and emotional energy, in the areas you have become depleted through hard work. I love your comment about Jesus saying, 'The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath,' Jesus was responding to severe criticism that his disciples had broken off ears of corn to eat, as they walked through the fields, breaking one of the Pharisees laws. Immediately after this Jesus was at the centre of another Pharisee controversy when He healed a man with a paralysed hand. Scripture records several instances where Jesus healed people on the Sabbath – He used that particular day to bring vitality back into someone’s life. This speaks volumes to me about what Sabbath rest is meant to be. Let’s work hard and play hard with our focus on Jesus at all times.
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