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Article Title: Christian Trance
Author of reported comment: BangOn
Comment Date: 23:09 on Dec 12 2011
Comment: Here I sit listening to Morning Star (Light of Dawn Mix). It's a Trance track. Christian. Reading the post I'm alittle unsure how someone can reach the point of forfeiting their use of that little thing called a brain which, yes, the Creator did indeed create to be used. To exercise wise choice-making skills etc. None of the scripture quoted, and I mean NONE, is applied correctly to the topic. Maybe if the practice of the Whirling Dervish were being discussed and someone said it would be great to get into a similiar mind state as they, then we'd have something to have issues about. But really, for goodness sake, don't bind your creativity with that straitjacket you call being holy. How on earth do you enjoy yourself???
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