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Article Title: Have A Good Christmas
Author of reported comment: Darrell
Comment Date: 16:05 on Dec 13 2011
Comment: Guitar players are a “dime a dozen.” This compassionate guitar player might be part of that dozen. Hope not! What was this artist trying to accomplish with this Christmas album? Christmas music has been played thousands of ways. A guitar, like any other instrument, takes on the personality of the musician. The way each note is played has a purpose. The artist feels compassion and strength with each stroke of the finger against the strings. The sound of the strings here are different from other guitar players, i.e.; the transitions from one note to the other, cry for their space on the staff and want to be held by the heart. The sounds created conjure wonderful times gone by. Hold the hand of the one you love and make your time now. Life is fleeting…………….God Bless you all.
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