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Article Title: Love Riot
Author of reported comment: Alastair
Comment Date: 21:48 on Dec 20 2011
Comment: Hi Michael, good question - it's so easy for us reviewers/writers to throw stuff out and forget the need to justify what we say! There's a whole load of woolly rhetorical stuff that makes no sense about being the darkness dwellers 'destined to fail' during the opening track, but the idea of a Messiah who 'clothed himself in armour of righteousness, put on the helmet of salvation and the robe of vengeance' might be a vivid re-interpretation of scriptural teaching on the Christian calling to wear the whole armour along with a mishmash of images from revelation, but that doesn't chime with the theology of Incarnation that says in Philippians "who being in very nature God Did not consider equality with God something to be grasped But made himself nothing Taking the form of a servant he became obedient to death, even death on a cross" And "the hands that held the stars being sentenced to bear my scars" - is nicely poetic, and has been used before in popular worship, but is essentially a docetic heresy, ie one thrown out in the early years of the Church, that the Creative Word at the start of creation is of the same body in any way as the human Jesus.... It elevates Jesus to a suprahuman entity rather than 'exactly like us yet without sin' as Hebrews says. Then going on to the strange apocolyptic language about 'time being at it's end' and 'I am legend predestined for this, the time is now' is all a bit odd... I do realise it's poetic and stirring and not seeking to be Gospel! It's a great bit of rhetoric, but I'd be worried if people really believed this stuff, it's just a bit odd.....
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