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Article Title: Jesus Culture: Kim Walker speaks about the powerful worship ministry from California
Author of reported comment: Sebrina Kramer
Comment Date: 12:01 on Jan 3 2012
Comment: I thank God for raising you up Kim. I salute you, I do, because God lives inside of you. Listening to your music not only uplifts me, but it takes me to another dimension. I pray that God takes you Higher and Higher, that your love for God will grow each and everyday, and that this gift God has given you, will continually uplift only the name of Jesus. You are a blessing to me. I don't think words can describe how I feel inside. I love the way you sing!!! The words that comes from your heart, makes me serve God even more when I'm down and out, face flat down on the floor. I love your music, I love you!!! God bless you, your husband and Jesus Culture.
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