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Article Title: Janny Grein: Paying tribute to a Jesus music pioneer
Author of reported comment: Jill S
Comment Date: 16:31 on Jan 6 2012
Comment: I met Janny at a little tiny church in my town when I was about 16 or so... it was my first experience with a band and electric guitar... let alone in a church. I went up to meet her afterward and stammered over every word. She gave me the biggest hug and a tape of her like the wind album. My mom bought some of her earlier records and I think I about wore my tape out. What a beautiful, precious woman with a heart to reach everyone, even a clumsy teenager who didn't fit in anywhere. Today I'm really enjoying hearing the older songs again. I sure miss her here with us, and I cannot wait to see her again one day. Thanks for your article. I wish her songs could be redone all over again. Love them forever.
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