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Article Title: A Press Conference With God
Author of reported comment: John Pratchett
Comment Date: 11:03 on Jan 19 2012
Comment: I remember back in the early 80s, having been made redundant from my well paid job and having four mouths to feed, going into the field of a friend of mine and verbally exploding at God with question after question...why?, why? why? It somehow made me feel better, but I didn’t get any answer. I told my friend (a Christian) what I had done and he gave me some advice which I’ve never forgotten. He said, “You know John, we, as human’s expect God to play by his own rules, but God says, no! I gave those rules to you for your benefit, I am God and I do as I see fit!” Initially I was shocked, but over the years, I’ve realised that my friend was right. God is exactly that...Loving, caring, compassionate and with our best interests always to the forefront of his mind, but he is GOD and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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