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Article Title: The Middle East Conflict In A Nutshell
Author of reported comment: Leanne Lovatt
Comment Date: 08:21 on Jan 29 2012
Comment: This article is biased and misleading. The land passed between Arab owners the ottoman empire and the mongol empire for many years until Egypt seized it,at which point Britain intervened. The first revolts in the country were against Britain and civil war began because Britain and the UN unwisely and arbitrarily split the country and said 'right,that's Israel,that's not' without full agreement from both sides. Israel was not invaded,they took part in a civil war in which they seized more land than they had been given and drove out Palestinians in their thousands,not allowing them back in. I find hard to understand why you say that there was no Palestine nation,just small tribal groups,as though this would lessen their claim. Jewish settlers weren't part of a nation, they were immigrants who settled on small pieces of land in the same way as many Arab settlers at the same time which was 19th century onwards. Churchill's quote suggests that Arabs at the time were swamping the indigenous people,but in fact there were no indigenous people at the time,only a mix of various Arab nations and some Jewish people. There are no easy answers to this - 'in a nutshell' answers are invariably too simplistic and biased.
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