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Article Title: Tracing His Hand
Author of reported comment: Matt
Comment Date: 11:44 on Feb 2 2012
Comment: I love this album by Jeni, it is rare that you come across albums that mix together many different types and styles of music and song together, and for me, Tracing His Hand has always been one of the top scorers in this department. There is the beginning grungy pop of Right Here, then you go to the driving guitar of Adventure With You, and then to the gentle relaxed pop of You. And You is one of my favourite songs of this girl at the moment. There are also some other wonderful songs, like the poignant Remind Me and the brilliantly catchy Funny. And all along the way this album boasts very encouraging messages, which would suit any tastes if you ask me. Lighter in tone than her first brilliant Album Colours of Truth, this is still an amazingly produced album packed full of jewels that are hard not to love. A great experience!
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