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Article Title: Bob Dylan: The spiritual journey of a 20th century icon
Author of reported comment: Ed Humphreys
Comment Date: 16:36 on Feb 11 2012
Comment: I Googled articles to find information on Bob Dylan's statements since Slow Train Coming. I have grown in my Christian faith over years. I was listening to the album, and the depth of the message reflects a true heart understanding of God and the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed to men today by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I found this to be an excellent article. The depth of true heart faith is not something that is subject to superficial public inspection, especially if "fame" is the glass one is looking through for validation. I know that one with true heart faith will not make a display to please men, (like the TV "preachers" who beg for money), and instead will withdraw from personal influence while all the more displaying humility. The depth of Bob Dylan's messages in song stand in stark contrast to comments that reflect other celebrity phases like Quaballah. Bob Dylan's words also stand in contrast to the trite analysis of the "invention" of a tinity. Little thought, and much parroting, produce such repetition of superficial thought. We have a little picture of the years of thought that true faith recquires in what Bob Dylan has shared. Knowing the unsearchable depths of faith in God as revealed to men through the man Jesus the Christ, Bob Dylan's testimony has a reality that few have been able to proclaim.
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