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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: Kate Snyder
Comment Date: 14:56 on Feb 21 2012
Comment: All who love this man and his music should intercede for him, that God grant him genuine repentance. It was the Pharisees who believed a man could divorce and remarry, and they argued with the Man who wrote the Book. The Word of God, who is Jesus the Christ, rebuked them, saying: “Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.” Only God can define adultery, not us. It’s one wife for life. Living in an adulterous marriage is not restoration; it is rebellion against the clear revealed will of God. He that has His commandments and keeps them, he it is that loves Jesus. Why call Him, “Lord, Lord,” and do not the things which He says?
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