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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: Mubiru Francisco
Comment Date: 05:47 on Mar 15 2012
Comment: man of God, don't let let Satan pierce your heart with sorrow and self-condemnation. I made this mistake of running away from God after I'd made a tinny mistake(sin). That only made me worse, cause with time the convictions didn't matter to me as before since I got used to sin which had grown to higher degrees, until I came across a gospel which believed that God sees me righteous because of Jesus, regardless of my actions. Henceforth, I had to confess that I am pure, righteous everytime I 'sinned'- sin had become a habit. These confessions renewed my mind and I conformed to those utterences with time. God bless you. Go to Him as a son, cause you still are, and not as a worship leader cause your mind will tell you that you don't measure up to it. I love you brother.
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