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Article Title: The Mystery Of The Scarlet Cord
Author of reported comment: Mark Metternich
Comment Date: 21:09 on Apr 8 2012
Comment: Great article. I have been studying the talmud references for years now. A side note. It looks as if there was a "blood moon" (lunar eclipse) on passover Friday night April 3 of 33 ad, making the reference in Joel "The sun turn black AND the moon to blood" likely cementing in the date of the crucifixion at 33, not 30 ad. But the great thing is that there are many biblical references that seem to clearly indicate the Shekinah was not behind the veil starting when Jesus was baptized and came out of the water. He WAS the Shekiniah as it says in John 1. So, I believe it can be put together that the scarlet chord (and all the other signs) changed the sacrificial system as Jesus started him ministry in 30AD.
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