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Article Title: Batteries Included (The Healing Of Delia Knox)
Author of reported comment: terry hartikka
Comment Date: 15:18 on Apr 12 2012
Comment: Human reasoning never could've brought about nor explained Delia's healing. The day I was preaching healing and a man died in the church, my reasoning brought about fear. Then faith kicked in and after 8 minutes he was brought back by prayer through faith. Doctors used their reasoning to confirm it all. Hebrews says that "By faith we understand..." This is bringing reason under the control of faith, without which there is no faith. But yes, it does get cult like when manipulation, intimidation and domination are used to demand reason be laid aside. The genuine has a lot to do with motivation, intention and purpose being genuine, selfless love. That's hard to judge in another. Where there is the genuine there will always be the hypocritical and counterfeit. Those who are determined not to have faith in God's Word will always have a lot of human reasoning to judge without knowing the heart of it. The same sun that softens wax hardens clay.
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