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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: Char
Comment Date: 16:04 on Apr 12 2012
Comment: Terry, God said that we must forgive others, but that forgiveness needs to apply to ourselves as well, otherwise we give satan an opportunity to destroy the plan and purpose for which He called us. Know that you cannot "out sin God's forgiveness. Don't let the devil tell you that your sin is greater than God's forgiveness. I know the struggle you are going through, but let the Hand of God pull you back up on your feet. The world needs you more than you know. Don't let satan rob us of the songs of praise that God has given to you. David committed the same sin, but God forgave him and continued to use him for His glory. Know that Jesus suffered for this very hour in your life; receive His forgiveness as you received His Son-in faith! Your songs of praise will only be more powerful now because of your understanding of His love and forgiveness. I will sing songs of joy when I hear that you have returned with a vengence against satan, and put him under your feet where Jesus says he belongs.
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