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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: MJQ
Comment Date: 15:15 on Jun 20 2012
Comment: You are a truely a blessing. What happened was horrible, but we have a loving forgiving God. Don't give up because our ABBA FATHER never gives up on us. Look at King David, he was a vessel after in God's heart because he knew how to stay in worship for the King of Lords, he also was in a huge mess of things; even murder. Don't let the enemy come and steal what God has planned for you. Remember, it was the 'Worship' that our Lord God released Satan. This is why he fights us in the worship.He will always attack the 'Worshippers.' So just come to the Master's Throne for He is waiting for you. And may God restore and heal everyone in this situation. We are living in the last days, let us not only continue our race, but let us finish it in a legacy of His kingdom with a mighty blow as the shofars will blow the sounds of Heaven. Do Not listen to people that are not helping you; you just stay FOCUS on Him. SHALOM my friend in Christ.
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