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Article Title: Peace In The Valley
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 20:49 on Jul 26 2012
Comment: Once again BJ records another hymn project, a nice follow up to last year's "Amazing Grace". The title song is recorded so wonderful; too bad Elvis didn't hear this cover version; no doubt he would have applauded BJ. "Where No One Stands Alone" graces side 2 of the album, I just love how BJ sings this song. "Rock of Ages" has a touch of rocky music flavor. Another popular gospel recording by the late Elvis, is "Precious LORD, Take My Hand"; I like BJ's rendition except for the added drums:the bgvs are quite out- standing! "It Is No Secret" another I love how it is recorded. "The Family Bible" will always be a top favorite gospel song. "Softly and Tenderly" closes the end of the songset; very nicely done: I have to admit that Amy Grant's haunting version 20 years later,seems to grab hold of me more than any other cover version heard. BJ's recording of it follows close behind. GOD Bless! -Don
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