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Article Title: View From The Bridge
Author of reported comment: Billy Kavanagh
Comment Date: 01:31 on Jul 30 2012
Comment: Larry Norman was the powerhouse behind Solid Rock Music, a label that tried to bring modern gospel rock music to the fore. Norman is the one person that you attribute to bringing gospel music into the 21st century. Along the way, back in the 70's, he fell upon musicains that equaled or surpassed his ability. Tom Howard was one of the few who could claim that title. Listen to any of the albums that Norman released under his label and one will quickly realize that Howard's talent supersassed Normans by a long mile. Solid Rock will never release this album in a digital form. Why? Because when any listener hears this album and hears the noticeble absence of Norman on most of the tracks, they will realize that the biggest talent of the genre was buried in the ego of Larry Norman. View From The Bridge is the defining album of Solid Rock Records.
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