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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Kathy Parkhill
Comment Date: 16:45 on Jul 30 2012
Comment: Dear Brother Terry, You have blessed my heart and my whole church, when you left the ministry, my heart sank, but I knew that you did the right thing at the time, and I knew you would be back! you had something in your ministry I believe called David's Heart, you truly did have the true heart of David, and to prove that we serve the God of a second chance and that God will anoint you with a new anointing from bringing you out of circumstances such as this! For all of us that have lived and know what it is to fall down and to get up again and to have God forgive and to love us and to show true forgiveness is so amazing and there is only one that is perfect and that is our Lord Jesus Christ! We are all imperfect and all have fallen down! You Terry are an very precious man of God whom has blessed us with the anointing of God and I can't wait to see what the Lord will do inside of you now!
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