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Article Title: Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce
Author of reported comment: Henrietta
Comment Date: 03:26 on Aug 5 2012
Comment: I find debates like these rather disturbing, and I'll tell you why: there seems to be no way fundamentalists and liberals could see eye-to-eye on this.. someone's bound to do a little bashing in debates like these. Which can't possibly express God's Love to anyone. Do I condone...? No. Do I agree that people in public/ teaching positions should be held to a high standard or step down? Totally! That's the responsibility that comes with the position in the limelight.. in this case the public "display" went the extra mile to create a false impression. Do I believe that Patti can be, or has been, forgiven? Yes, if genuine repentance has occurred... and that is between her and the Lord whether or not it was real. The Lord said to the woman taken in adultery: "Woman, where are your accusers?" To whom he had first said that whoever was WITHOUT FAULT could throw the first stone.. and one by one they laid them down and left. Apparently they had the sense to know when to quit..
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