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Article Title: Start All Over Again
Author of reported comment: Lance DeMers
Comment Date: 18:42 on Aug 22 2012
Comment: Once again, I'd like to say how very heartwarming it is to read all of your comments here. It's amazing to me that songs that were written 35 years ago are still appreciated. Very touching. Especially when I think of their humble beginnings. I am truly grateful. Many of the WBB songs were written at my parent's kitchen table with my guitar, a pen and a tablet of paper. Often, I would have my bible open, such as when I wrote the lyrics to Kraig's beautiful music for "I Am." There were times when Kraig would have some music that he wanted me to write lyrics for. Sometimes he would play the song for me at his parent's upright piano in their basement where we often rehearsed. He would sing a wordless melody and record as he went on a cassette recorder (remember those?) so I had something to take home with me. If inspiration struck and I managed to complete the lyrics, I would present them to Kraig who would then begin learning and singing the finished song so we could present it to the other guys, usually at our next rehearsal. Then we could begin arranging the new song with the full band treatment.
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