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Article Title: The Way The Second Coming Will Unfold
Author of reported comment: David Roberts
Comment Date: 22:00 on Aug 22 2012
Comment: A great, balanced article. It is wise to get things in perspective! I think we should appreciate writers who seek to put over ideas that check our thoughts and offer us views that are based on the whole word of God, thank you Paul! Lets not forget in Mark 13:32, Jesus Himself tells us no man, no angel no the son ( Himself ) knows the day or hour ( age, time ) of His return, only His Father knows it! When we read Gods word we really need to "take the medicine as it is prescribed on the bottle! It does the most good that way, adding our personal thoughts of diagnosis alter the benefit already provided and only lead to confusion. Let us try to remember we never have and never will know more than the son of God, and in that be more satisfied to listen, learn and share, not listen, bend and share! And as Paul Has just encouraged us, lets get on with the task in hand, so that, as it also says in Mark13, we are not found asleep when Jesus comes.
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