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Article Title: The Gaza Road
Author of reported comment: Sam
Comment Date: 12:21 on Aug 29 2012
Comment: This was a good article, thank you. While Christians and people of all faiths are free in Israel, sadly in the Palestinian territories there is much persecution - as you point out. I'm not saying there's no persecution in Israel as some extreme Jewish groups can be very anti Christian. But in terms of overall government structure there's a big difference between a liberal democracy (Israel) and a dictatorship that doesn't allow religious freedom (Gaza - Hamas). The Christians throughout Israel and Palestinian territories need our prayers. Finally - Pam may I suggest that if you want Gaza to export freely you start campaigning for Hamas to stop throwing rockets at Israel every 5 minutes? Let's remember Israel gave the Gaza strip to the Palestinians in exchange for peace. That was the deal! Once again, the Palestinian leadership has failed its people.
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