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Article Title: Greenbelt '12: A moment-by-moment review and reflection
Author of reported comment: Ian Hughes
Comment Date: 21:32 on Aug 29 2012
Comment: Good article. I have decided, and informed Greenbelt in no uncertain terms, that this year was my last Greenbelt. As an open, charismatic evangelical Anglican vicar, I am used to debate and discussion around Liberal theology and so I can usually take or leave the general overtone of the Greenbelt Festival but what has disappointed me in the past couple of years is the lack of Christian bands/artists being played especially on the mainstage. If I want to go to a secular or folk festival then there's Glastonbury or Cambridge. Surely Greenbelt should be highlighting the quality of Christian artists out there, especially to the young people who are attending, after all isn't it supposed to be a 'Christian' Arts festival.
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