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Article Title: Greenbelt '12: A moment-by-moment review and reflection
Author of reported comment: Julie Willcox
Comment Date: 22:16 on Sep 1 2012
Comment: I first went to Greenbelt 12 years ago - against the wishes of my Pastor. I had been abused/excluded/ostracised in all the mainstream churches I went to after finding Christ as a 26 year old single parent with no church background. I thought there was something wrong with me as I didn't seem to 'fit' the accepted 'Christian' mould. By the time I arrived at my 1st Greenbelt I was losing all hope and had been seriously damaged by mainstream churches. I cried as I put my tent up, I lay on the grass and felt strangely warmed inside, I could tangibly 'feel' the love and acceptance of me as a person - just as I was. I spent that 1st festival in a state of bliss at the love and beauty I had discovered in Greenbelt. I know as a strong Bible based believer there are some items on the programme that are not 'evangelical' but then there are as many more 'items on the programme' of conservative evangelical mainstream churches that would make Jesus wince...... ie their general lack of proper concern for the outcast, the poor and the marginalised. Greenbelt loves as Christ loved. Jesus saved me, Greenbelt gave me a home and welcomed me and continues to challenge inspire and cement my Christian faith.
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