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Article Title: Batteries Included (The Healing Of Delia Knox)
Author of reported comment: John
Comment Date: 19:38 on Sep 10 2012
Comment: The natural man (this is the man who walks according to his 5 senses) receives not the things that come from the Spirit of God and neither can he know them because they are spiritually understood. The things of GOD sound foolish to those who are not born again, and to those who do not know JESUS as Lord and Savior. God is a Spirit. God is supernatural. WORDS are supernatural, FAITH is supernatural. When one mixes FAITH with GODS WORD the supernatural will manifest physically. JESUS is the living WORD of GOD. Receive JESUS into your heart today. Get yourself a BIBLE and start reading it. Let the WORD of GOD direct your path and stop walking according to your senses. Satan has blinded all of those who do not accept the Truth. JESUS is the TRUTH.
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