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Article Title: Judy Mowatt: From Rasta to disciple
Author of reported comment: M
Comment Date: 00:21 on Oct 14 2012
Comment: Some of the words of Jesus are " I am the Way the Life and the Truth."No one comes to The Father but by Me." "In My Father's House there are many Mansions, there I go to prepare a place for you"(Heaven/Home)One has to be a New Creation in Christ (born again) of the Spirit of Truth, through The Son. Flesh and blood cannot enter into Heaven,(it is a Spirit Realm/environment), but to be born of the Spirit. (The Creator who said let there be light, and from whom all of mankind and creation was birthed made a way, The way back to Him is through His Son because, we rebelled against Him through disobeidience. Although this is NOT a parable from The Lord, some of you may have heard of a saying "If you love the cow you have to accept the calf, which refers to accepting your partners child also in the relationship. Whilst no way am i referring to God and His Son as a cow and calf, the message is, to enter into a relationship with The Father is through The Son. Please read a few bible scriptures which are evident in prophesying who Jesus is; Psalms chapt 22- King David prophesying of his saviour to come, Proverbs ch23 vs 26, John ch3 vs16, acts ch4 vs12, romans ch10 vs9 to 11, Isaiah ch9 vs6 onward . There are so many others. The hearts of mankind is so hardened and desparately wicked as said in the scriptures that no one comes to The Father unless He chooses at an appointed time to call us, Many are called: few are chosen . Because we are so stubborn and hard, often The Lord will allow us to go through various trials which make us cry out to Him from our souls, often in sickness, loss and many other desparate situations, because we don't really mean it when we cry out to Him. Because of His Pure Love towards us, He will make a way for us to come to Him when we hit rock-bottom in our lives, so that He will get the victory in our lives. Lots of Love to you all, M.
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