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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Dr. Judy Fishr
Comment Date: 11:29 on Oct 26 2012
Comment: Amen, my sister. I love this anointed man of God. When I heard of his confession, I was a bit disappointed too because of the power of his praise and worship. But then I understood that what he is singing about is what we must believe and embrace...that He loves us no matter what and He will never ever leave us! Oh, what a promise and Terry is an example of that promise. His ministry seems to be even more powerful now and he can really sing about the forgiveness and love of our Lord and Savior. He can really lift up praises and worship Him from the very depths of his soul. He can testify to others of God's graciousness and love and lead others to waters of healing and comfort...especially those who have been guilty of moral failures....that is all of us! but, we don't write letters to the public confessing our failures, do we. Let's continue to pray for him, his present wife and his family, too. Only God knows all of the details and most importantly, God knows his heart! Dr. J. Fisher
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