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Article Title: Building Bridges Between Jews And Christians
Author of reported comment: David Carter
Comment Date: 22:20 on Nov 21 2012
Comment: Rather sad that Paul has bought in to the Zionist story without critique. In 1948 Israel had everything going for it; it would have been surprising had they not defeated a ragbag collection of untrained, ill-equiped and poorly led militias. Rather ironic too that John Hagee is mentioned. He is certainly a supporter of Israel but his theology is disastrous. His brand of dispenational, end-times theology sees Jews either destroyed or forcibly converted to Christ. Does that really sound like the message of Jesus. Israel the modern state has no continuity either with historic Israel, which was only a kingdom for 98 years 3,000 years ago, nor with Biblical Israel which is "all who have the faith of Abraham" Rom.11. It is the IDF response to the first Intifada during which over 200 Palestinians were killed that brought about the birth of Hamas. The truly biblical stance is to love mercy and do justice and to follow our Lord whatever the cost.
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