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Author of reported comment: Bruce Tulloch
Comment Date: 13:24 on Nov 22 2012
Comment: Groundbreaking album for SP&S, though the contemporary styles represented have been mainstream for years. Every track on this highly entertaining, amusing, thought-provoking, moving, clever collection of original songs brings something different. Go to ‘The Song That We Sing’ for the rationale: ‘That traditional/contemporary debate was always a poor one. Turns out we were singing the same song all along.’ So ‘We’ll sing in whatever style’s around but the song that we sing is the same.’ That’s followed by the intensely moving ‘Come As You Are’, described as ‘Whosoever will may come’ with bells on. Karl and Alvin have been around the Salvation Army scene for a couple of decades. Their outspoken rock evangelism in bands Blood and Fire, The Eden and The Big Picture wasn’t always appreciated, or perhaps understood. Yet they committed their talents to work and worship in contemporary culture. Now they’ve come home at last. Musically Alvin is the master. From jazz pianist (think Jools Holland) to brass band arranger, from dance riffs and trance beats to cheeky samples, he pulls out surprises all the time. You’ll have to listen hard to identify all the tricks and musical jokes inside and alongside the sheer quality and range. Then he provides the simplest and most sensitive accompaniment to ‘Good For You’. Karl’s lyrics are prolific and clever, sharply observational and deeply incisive, intelligent and provocative, born of genuine experience and underpinned by sincere, hard-won faith, they always strike chords. He has the gift of words that can be everyday and exalted at the same time. They make you smile and they make you cry, and they always point you and others to Jesus. Thanks, guys! (And yes, most of this review appeared in 'Salvationist'!)
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