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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: NICK STEPHENS
Comment Date: 16:58 on Dec 15 2012
Comment: It is always good to know that in a time such as this, that the prayers of the saints, keep pouring into the throne room of God, we know of his grace and mercy only to well to think otherwise leaving a believer on their own, and all of the comments except my sister Peggy, dealt with his music and what it did for them, but my sister dealt with the soul of terry by expressing the concern for a violation of the wows that brought them together in the first place and as such, it is not our judgement, but rather it is our concern that the truth be the course that lead him back to restoration, she expresses the fact of separation with the hope reconciliation, but not divorce,and at that point she used as examples, her very daugthers, what humility!, what love !, let us all get back to the garden of his word and eat of the tree of life. and as such, let be known that God is not about to compromise his principles for none of our comments let the word be truth. GOD BLESS
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