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Article Title: Andy Park: Teaching and Evangelism Through Worship Music
Author of reported comment: Mikhaila
Comment Date: 05:49 on Jan 2 2013
Comment: We should distinguish the type of music we play and write and call worship songs. If we are to worship the Trinitarian God then we should write and play songs that are worshipful to Him. We have plenty of examples from the Bible and even what instruments we are to play. Much of contemporary worship music rarely if ever even mentions Jesus. I can easily substitute any name for this sappy stuff. Many do not even talk of scripture just, 'Jesus is my boyfriend' type of songs. Now if you want to play this OUTSIDE of church to the unchurched as well as to the believers then fine I suppose. However, you really aren't teaching God's truth but emotionalism. It's no wonder a lot of men don't like these 'worship' songs. If I were to buy you a gift it should be something you like not something I like. Shouldn't it hold true for our Lord to be given something He likes. I'm sure He is much kinder than I to look at the songwriter's heart and the singer's motive but let's get real. Many contemporary Christian songs have no real depth and are disposable. Scripture is so very rich. We should do it justice. I myself am taking this challenge.
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