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Article Title: The Singles Sessions
Author of reported comment: Steve
Comment Date: 16:44 on Jan 2 2013
Comment: Michelle Mills from DaBelly Magazine had this to say about "The Singles Sessions: "I have been following singer/songwriter Luanne Hunt's career for quite some time and she never disappoints. The title of her latest - and eighth - effort, "The Singles Sessions," is slightly misleading, as I expected a clutch of songs dealt out without any particular order and perhaps they all are "singles," but the album flows smoothly, keeping you listening from beginning to end. Part of this can be attributed to Hunt's beautiful voice, as well as the talented musicians behind her, but the rest is the selection of tunes, all country and folk based. This is an overall soothing listen, but don't be fooled-- it won't lull you into a stupor, as there is much diversity here too. "The Singles Sessions" will please country and folk fans with ease, as well as anyone seeking an album that can be played almost anywhere.
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