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Article Title: Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce
Author of reported comment: Dan
Comment Date: 00:48 on Jan 17 2013
Comment: ..Also as judges, we justify to others. Jesus taught that divorce is not in God s plans. By our hardness to understand and obey God, Moses regulation the divorce. Jesus empowers new marriage only to spouse disappointed, by an adulterous spouse, because whoever joins the adulterer also an adulteress(Matthew 19.9 ). This shows that God never ordered those marriages who committed the double sin: 1.marry and 2.divorce. However, God provided defense for all the wives/husbands that divorce.. Jesus Christ our King, Lord and Savior, because God is merciful and not condemns us forever, but that calls us to repentance again and again. The adultery-divorce is a bad way because it extends the adultery to others (except that we are without another spouse). It happens because of a lack of patience and faith in the solutions of God. NEVER bring happiness to anyone (proverbs6:33) and we can see this in the current reality and in the same biblical story of king David-Bathsheba and their children (especially the wise king Solomon and as concludes his ministry) ..Best we believe the words of Jesus and we shall see the glory of God (Juan11:40)
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