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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: maxy
Comment Date: 07:49 on Feb 1 2013
Comment: Terry MacAlmon, i hear your story and i think of David in the bible, the man after GOD'S own heart. This man was not perfect, he committed adultery and murder but at the end of the day GOD says,"this is the man after my own heart". One thing i know Terry is that GOD loves you, coz the GOD of DAVID is still OUR GOD this day. I know you said u don't know if you will go back to the ministry but i know you will, coz GOD will never use you and reject you, the GOD, you, i and others serve is a GOD of mercy and grace. When David sinned most of the time, he preferred falling into the hands of GOD and his wrath, coz he knew that GOD was merciful. I have been out of church for a year but GOD has restored me and i know that he will do the same for you. Terry, JESUS, loves you very much, the worship you gave him it was true and worthy, many people are being blessed thro your ministry. We want to hear you sing more worship my brother so that we can also worship with those songs in our churches hear in kenya. Blessings
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